The annual Sheboygan County Senior Picnic and Vendor Fair will be held in the Sheboygan South High School Commons/Gymnasium, South 12th Street and Washington Avenue, on Wednesday, July 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All county adults age 60 or better are welcome to attend this day of good food, entertainment, door prizes and a vendor fair with games and prizes. Download Flyer
This year’s picnic theme is ‘50s Sock Hop, featuring live ‘50s and ‘60s music by The Eldorados.
A picnic lunch with option of either a single brat or hamburger, salads, fruit, dessert and beverage will be served at noon; a $4 suggested meal donation will be accepted at the door. Cost of the picnic, to cover facility, entertainment, supply and beverage expenses, is $5 (non-refundable), and payment must accompany reservations.
Reservations are required by July 7th, and may be made at the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), 650 Forest Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, or at any of the eight Senior Dining Sites listed below:
- Sheboygan Dining Site, Zion Church, 1125 North 6th Street, Sheboygan
- Adell Dining Site, 510 Seifert Street, Adell
- Plymouth Dining Site, 1500 Douglas Drive, Plymouth
- Sheboygan Falls Dining Site, 650 Forest Avenue, Sheboygan Falls
- Cascade Dining Site, 301 Milwaukee Avenue, Cascade (Monday’s only)
- Cedar Grove Dining Site, First Reformed Church, 237 S Main, Cedar Grove (Monday’s only)
- Howards Grove Dining Site, 913 S. Wisconsin Dr.., Howards Grove (Tuesday’s only)
- Oostburg Dining Site, Civic Center, 213 North 8th Street, Oostburg (Wednesday’s only)
For more information about the picnic or about county elder services, please call the Aging & Disability Resource Center at 467-4100 or toll free, 1-800-596-1919 and press “1” for the ADRC.